Thursday, August 22, 2019

Internal Management Essay Example for Free

Internal Management Essay 1.0 Introduction I am a second year student of Applied Languages and Information Technology. I have been assigned an Internal Management Report on the recruitment, selection and induction training methods of a company. I have chosen Hertz International Reservations Call Centre in Swords, Co. Dublin as I recently completed a week on work placement there. While on work placement there, I learnt about how the call centre operates and the selection and training procedures. In my assignment I will give a report on my findings. 2.0 Recruitment Methods in Hertz The main part of recruitment in Hertz is done through recruitment agencies. The agency in which Hertz use is Richmond Recruitment. The other means of recruitment is by accessing applications on file. These present application forms may be postal CVs, emailed CVs or Internet applications. Applications can be made directly to Hertz on their website at or From time to time newspapers are also used as a way to recruit staff. Internal recruitment, i.e. positions for Team Leaders/Market managers is also popular within Hertz call centre. 3.0 Selection Methods 3.1 Curriculum Vitaes All CVs which are received by Hertz are screened by the recruitment team and/or Team Leaders. The qualities and competencies in which they look for in a CV are: * Customer service skills and experience, including an ability to work well with the public and an ability to adopt a customer perspective. * Technical skills, including proficiency with computers, systems and keyboarding skills. * Strong verbal communication skills, including good voice quality, diction and articulation. 3.2 Interviews After the process of the selection and elimination of CVs, the unsuccessful applicants are sent a letter within weeks. The agencies are also notified. The accepted candidates are notified with a date and time of interview. There are usually two interviews given. The recruitment team does the first interview although depending on the position and CV. The second is performed by a Team leader/Manager with a recruitment panel. The same questions are asked of all candidates (so that valid comparisons can be made). The interviewer emphasises the demands of the job e.g. shift hours, weekend work etc. It is then up to the candidate to decide whether they can commit to the job or not. Education, why Hertz appeals, greatest achievements are just some of the questions which are asked in the interview. If the candidate is good, the interviewer asks about notice period, holidays booked, if a work permit is required and salary expectations. The candidate is then asked if they have any questions, the contract conditions are explained and they are thanked for attending the interview. Notes are taken by the interviewer to help asses candidates more effectively after the interview. They also help to communicate to human resources department and other managers. They clearly state the outcome of the interview and an offer/rejection is then made. 3.3 The interview assessment At the end of a panel interview, each member of the panel compares the attributes of the candidate against the criteria laid down in the job description. This type of analysis helps ensure objectivity and enables the reason for selection/non-selection to be identified. After the 2nd interview, references are carried out prior to offer. The recruitment team then offers the position, and a contract is sent to the successful candidate. When the contract is returned, an employee file is set up. 4.0 Induction 4.1 Customer Service Training On the issue and acknowledgement of a position offered, Hertz Swords, notifies the employee of the commencement of their position. All new employees must complete a four to six week intensive training course. (Depending on hours of training per day). This begins from day one. A timetable is issued to each employee to show the programme of Induction training. On the first day photographs are taken for access cards which are needed to enter and exit the building and to eat lunch. The new employees are then introduced to trainers and each other. A presentation on the history of Hertz and overview of the company is then given. Health and safety, HR and payroll are explained followed by a tour of the building, customer services and fire safety. Coffee breaks and lunch are timetabled in between. Staff handbooks are given out which includes many important issues on being an employee at Hertz. It provides the employee on important information such as canteen facilities, computers, discipline procedures, drug policy, security, absence, equal opportunities, bullying sexual harassment and more. During week one of training the employee is given the opportunity to become familiar and relaxed within Hertz. Week two of training consists of shadowing calls. This is done by sitting with a Team leader or customer service agent and listening in on their incoming and outbound calls. This is taken place in the market language of the position of the trainee. The purpose of this is to give the employee an insight into what their job initials. The trainees see how the agent enters the information into the computer. In week three and four the trainee is then thought how the system is used which is Escalibre. Country, city and airport codes are learned. There are also codes for the car type. Each car has four codes. Each position in the four-character vehicle code represents a definable characteristic of the vehicle. They are given a list on the imput codes and must learn them off. The trainee is also trained in sales, i.e. how to sell a car reservation and how to take a call. Here are some guidelines in which they are trained to follow: * Try to answer the telephone promptly * Greet the caller with a clear, cheerful voice * Identify yourself * Listen closely and offer assistance. * Act with speed and courtesy * Offer our customer a satisfactory conclusion to his/her call. * Create a good image of Hertz They are trained as to how to deal with an angry caller: * Firstly, dont take the problem personally * Stay calm and listen! * Be patient. * Avoid interrupting until the caller has let off steam. * Avoid being rude yourself * Use careful questioning to sort out the problem * Offer positive assistance where possible. * If you are unable to deal effectively with the problem, make sure you pass the call on to someone who can. * Never make false promises to get rid of the problem Further training in week four consists of make mock calls i.e. practising with other trainees, reversing roles as the customer service agent and customer. Customers name is always Mr. Test! Additional training is given on the special offers, Hertz # 1 club gold card, Le swap magique and other packages. The trainee is thought about the benefits and terms and conditions, which must be explained to the customers. After the four weeks of training the new employee is ready to start their new position. Further on the job training is given during the duration of their new employment. 4.2 Prevention of strain/injury Training must follow legal compliance. Without training agents are exposed to significantly increased risk of aches, pains, stress and debilitating injury. Information alone is very rarely effective as staff tend to dismiss it. Staff need to understand how to make the most of their workstation (chair, desk and equipment), how to take responsibility for their own comfort and safety and what to do if problems arise. Managers and IT personnel need to be familiar with policy of workplace and equipment and safety to ensure planning and maintenance are correct. 5.0 Conclusions/Recommendations I feel Hertz International Call Centre in Swords has a very up to date and efficient Recruitment, Selection and Training procedure. The interviews are intense by non-discriminatory. The selection procedure is justly as it is essential for the company to choose the right candidate suitable for the position. The internal recruitment is also very successful as it gives the current staff of Hertz to progress within the company. Their training is very skilful and intense. The on-going training within the company is very successful and professional. I feel Hertz benefits from the procedures in which they have in place for the recruitment, selection and training of staff. 6.0 Bibliography I would like to thank all the staff working in Hertz. Without them this report would not be possible. I received most of my knowledge and information on the company from them. I would also like to thank my auntie Ann for sitting down to talk to me about her work in Hertz.

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