Wednesday, August 28, 2019

CIPD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

CIPD - Essay Example The postures and movement within the training room is important for the trainer as it keeps the learners enthusiastic along with an established but rotating eye contact that shows that individual attention from the trainer is present. I encouraged them to ask questions and for learning to occur, I kept summarizing what we learned from the previous slide and asked them questions to reinforce learning. An ample break of an hour was kept between two sections of the training and it was encouraging to see that the enthusiasm of the learners remained the same in fact some participants came up to me in the break to ask questions. I learned that besides readiness of learners and conducive environment of the training facility, an important factor that played a key role in this training, was my expertise on subject, enthusiasm and friendly behavior that created interest and raised expectations of the learners (Ford et al., 1998). The participants were seasoned professionals, hence creating a facilitating environment where learning can occur made my job easier although my inexperience and ability to relate their decision making examples to theoretical frameworks is a weakness that I need to work on. Further once a participant started sharing his / her experience I was not able to restrict them in the allotted time. I have learned that the learner cannot control every aspect of the training especially when he is countered with experienced professionals. One can only hope in effect to story tellers there will be some individuals that will keep things short and concise. It was an excellent experience where I saw many positives, my extensive research and readings on the subject matter helped me define and answer the questions from participants adequately. Participants found the Cynefin questionnaire very interesting and were eager to know there scores as soon as they were done with their

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