Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Shakespeares Use of Jealousy in Othello Essay - 1550 Words

Shakespeares Use of Jealousy in Othello The characteristics of Shakespearean tragedy usually work on a five-part structure, being the five acts. Part one can be seen as the exposition, introducing the main characters and commences the action. Part two is the development of the play, introducing complications. Part three is the climax, bringing everything to a head. In this part understanding is compulsive as there is a change in direction, the pivotal act. In part four the climax in part three is developed leading to the final part, where the revelation and resolution are justified. It can also be said it is characterised by a ‘tragic flaw’, being the imperfection of the heroic character which†¦show more content†¦In the following scene, Iago shows how deceitful he really is as throughout the first scene the audience is given warning to what to look out for Iago’s behaviour and language. ‘Tis well I am found by you’ (I.ii.47) shows the close relationship and trust between Cassi o and Othello. Act 3 Scene 3 can be viewed as the key scene of jealousy and deception as well as many other themes. Iago has analysed Othellos tendency to insecurity and overreaction however, did not imagine his deceptiveness would lead to his outburst of ‘I’ll tear her all to pieces!’ (III.iii.433) In Act 5 we see all of Iago’s activities coming to an end as he uses whatever means possible not to be caught using his trickery until the very end. ‘Of gold and jewels that I bobbed from him,’ (V.i.16) Roderigo was the main pawn in his plan, being blind to what Iago was doing to him until his death. When Iago injures Cassio and he returns to the scene, all those around are still oblivious to his participation, ‘O me, lieutenant! What villans have done this?’ (V.i.56-7). Irony is involved here, as Cassio is talking to the man who injured him, completely oblivious to the fact, showing no suspicion. As an audience we may agree with Iago’s evaluation of Othello and the reasons of his jealousy because of his rejectedShow MoreRelatedHow Does Shakespeare Use Language and Dramatic Devices to Present the Theme of Jealousy in Othello?1497 Words   |  6 PagesHow does Shakespeare use language and dramatic devices to present the theme of jealousy in Othello? ----- Othello weaves a tragic tale of love, jealousy and murder. Set in Venice and progressing to Cyprus, Shakespeare’s Othello follows the cursed path of its namesake, a black soldier whose love for his wife ultimately results in her death. Woven into the socially and emotionally delicate plot is a multitude of key themes, including race (Othello’s colour), love, and jealousy. A key figure, if notRead MoreTheme Of Monstrous Jealousy In William Shakespeares Othello1271 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s â€Å"Othello†, illustrates four of themes in the play. One of the themes is extreme jealousy can make a person act like a monster. 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