Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Love As a Theme In a Poem Essay - 899 Words

Love is one of the main sources that move the world, and poetry is not an exception, this shows completely the feelings of someone. In â€Å"Litany† written by Billy Collins, â€Å"Love Poem† by John Frederick Nims, â€Å"Song† by John Donne, â€Å"Love† by Matthew Dickman and â€Å"Last Night† by Sharon Olds navigate around the same theme. Nevertheless, they differ in formats and figurative language that would be compared. For this reason, the rhetoric figures used in the poems will conduct us to understand the insights thought of the authors and the arguments they want to support. â€Å"Litany† is a poem inspired by a quote from Jaques Crickillon, this free verse poem describes the feeling of a man to a girl with the use of nouns. This poem has two different tones†¦show more content†¦However, the tone until the last stanza is of mocking a woman it change when the speaker realizes he is in love, this declaration also states that this imperfect woman is just perfect for him. This lyrical poem, describe a person and how complex love can be, the speaker will be eternally in love with her, just like this line states â€Å"So gaily in love’s unbreakable heaven† (19). At the same time, the poem can be divided into the physical characteristics, first stanza, these lines has rhyme and are full of alliteration for example, â€Å"ring-thing†(line 3,4) and â€Å"door-floor†(lines 6,8). This lead to the metaphors in the second and third stanza, which are the defects and faults this woman has. On the other hand, the limerick poem â€Å"Song† written by John Donne, has a distinct structure, with irregular stanzas and three breaks located in lines 7-8, 16-17, 25-26, this represent a scream for hope, the speaker is discourage. Also, the tone for this poem is satiric and negative. It seems that the speaker was a victim of cheated, the pure woman he thought he had as a soul mate was completely broken. For example, in the first stanza describe thee how difficult even impossible is to find a pure and true woman who can remain faithful, Donne states these lines â€Å"Go and catch a falling star†(1) â€Å"Or to keep off envy’s stinging†(9). While reading this piece ofShow MoreRelatedThemes Of Love And A Poem2019 Words   |  9 Pagesof different â€Å"Love Poems†. It includes my creations of poems that I have made in this course, two favorite poems that I enjoyed quite a lot, a poem that I have â€Å"borrowed† and a graffiti poem that I ha ve also created in this course. To start it off, I have chosen my theme as Love because I find this topic interesting and one of the topics that contains a deep meaning. The special part about my anthology is that it shows different aspects of love and a timeline of love. 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