Monday, October 7, 2019

Draft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Draft - Essay Example Consequently, this brought an understanding that the values and beliefs are connected to cultural practices, traditions and rituals that chances their way of life (Nel, 2012). The summary also elaborated on the issues related to the differentiation of the cultural practices, customs and traditions. It also elaborates on the inherent patterns of behaviors that are transmitted from one generation to another. The term custom is defined in the article as a practice, which regulates the social life of certain group in the society, while rituals are defined as forms of cultural practices or ceremonies making a certain change in the society. Moreover, the article indicated that the Africa societies are linked to the cultural practices, traditions and customary issues. Moreover, the article explained these rituals involve various physical markings on the body such as circumcisions or body scarification (Tiley-Nel, 2012). In this case, these rituals are different based on the ethnic groups, whereby the ritual practices are symbols of maturity stage. In conclusion, the paper covers a summary of two articles covered in class, which include â€Å"Ndebele culture, traditions and rituals† by Tiley-Nel and Initiation cycles of traditional South African cultures by Nel, J. The articles cover a reflection of cultural, tradition and ritual practices in African society. The articles share ideas related to the practices among African society, which are practices in a contemporary society in the process of depicting the transition of the boys and girls to the adult hood. Therefore, this paper has focus on identifying the main points that are in these

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