Sunday, July 28, 2019

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a federal system of Research Paper

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a federal system of government Is it better than a unitary system of government Why or why not Be specific - Research Paper Example There is another advantage that states are able to settle its own policies and regulation to govern themselves, this system ensures government to remain close with people so they can be acquainted with necessitate and wants of the people. The weakness of this system is that there is a different system and each state government that can lead to over-lapping contradictory policies in various parts of the country. This system creates inequality between the states and this may steer the states to unhealthy hostility among them. Misuse of power can lead governments to corruption and in federal system corruption is very frequently practiced. (Baluyot) In unitary system, political and governing power resides with central government. In this system the central government usually delegates command to sub-national units and guide policy verdicts for implementation. This system is in contrast of federal system (K). Federal government system is better than a unitary government system because it has multiple hierarchy levels with central and local authority, also the central policy dominates over state policy and it is shared between national and local levels. But in unitary government there is no hierarchy of independent powers, states have no authority to pass their own laws, central government is the sole power to issue directives to do

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