Monday, September 30, 2019

Letter of Advice for a Newly Engaged Couple Essay

Congratulations Susan and Gerald on your impending marriage. If I might, I would like to contribute some words of advice and suggest some effective communication tools to make your marriage successful and satisfying. Successful communication between couples increase the likeliness for a happy marriage, something every couple strives for. Communication is a process of many aspects that must be continually practiced and perfected. Though there are stumbling blocks in any relationship that may affect communication, following the advice in this letter will help you learn the many aspects of the communication process that must be continually practiced and perfected. I have put together a list of suggestions of communication tools and things to watch out for you both that will serve as a helpful guide in working towards effective communication in your marriage. The list begins with the first effective communication tool which is to develop and practice perfecting your emotional intelligenc e. â€Å"Accurately perceiving others’ emotions may help to more correctly perceive the partner’s needs and opinions and result in better perspective taking.† (Schrà ¶der-Abà © & Schà ¼tz, 2011, p. 156). Without emotional intelligence, you will not be able to understand, interpret, and correctly respond to the emotions of the other person. Emotional intelligence allows my husband to correctly perceive when a particular issue is important to me even if he does not feel the same way. By disregarding the importance of the issue for me, he is showing a lack of empathy and/or a lack of sensitivity towards the situation. The repeated practice of this process helps couples in developing â€Å"relationship satisfaction or closeness† with each other. (Schrà ¶der-Abà © & Schà ¼tz, 2011, p. 156). â€Å"People who are aware of their emotions and are sensitive to the emotions of others are better able to handle the ups and downs of life, to  rebound from adversity, and to maintain fulfilling relationships with others.† (Sole, 2011, Ch. 2.5, para. 4). Read more:  How many words is a 10-minute speech. Emotional intelligence can be achieved by raising self-awareness, providing empathy for the other person, and by developing self-control over your emotions. (Mind Tools, 2013). Self-awareness is paying attention to what you are focusing on and how you will interpret the world. (Sole, 2011, p. 74). Self-awareness will allow a person to have control over their thoughts, emotions, reactions which will all have an effect on their behavior. A person that does not develop self-awareness could make tense situations worse by their behavior, reactions, lack of empathy, or a lack of sensitivity. A person that does not have control over their emotions lessens the likeliness of rational and coherent thinking. The next communication tool on my suggested list is to practice self-disclosure, also another opportunity to develop emotional intelligence. Self-disclosure is described as â€Å"sharing your private feelings, fears, doubts and perceptions with your partner.† (Schoenberg, 2011). There is nothing to be gained if there is no self-disclosure between two people. The ideal self-disclosure between each other should mirror each other. If the level of self-disclosure is not identical for each person, it could lead to feelings of resentment, anger, embarrassment, low self-esteem, and the like which can lead to conflict. As the back-and-forth of the self-disclosure process progresses, so should the level of intimate information. If the levels of self-disclosure are mirrored, it can build a feeling of trust and it can give each person a feeling of closeness to the other person. When my husband and I first started dating, we would spend hours deep in conversation getting to know each other. We have since enjoyed talking to each other. It is easily forgotten how to have meaningful conversations amid the bustle of life where functional conversation or polite pleasantries become a daily routine. In an article I read that was written by Schoenberg (2011), it suggests taking at least 10 minutes per day to discuss self-disclosure topics with each other. This could be a great technique to build a strong and firm foundation that also helps strengthen your emotional intelligence skills. As we grow older, we change in our feelings, perspectives, perception, and the like. In taking the time to practice the suggested daily 10 minutes to engage in mini sessions of self-disclosure, it keeps a couple connected, growing together in sync, and  it improves the quality of communication. I will use myself and my husband as an example of the effectiveness of the 10 minute self-disclosure technique. My husband is busy with his day at work in the Army and I am busy with school and taking care of the kids. Every day is a nonstop busy day where we each have our responsibilities. Every evening before we got to sleep, my husband and I take the allotted time to remember ourselves as a couple. Even though we have been married for 11 years, we still ask each other simple open ended questions such as, â€Å"What movie did you like the most as a kid?†, â€Å"What did your family do for fun growing up?†, and â€Å"What places would you like to visit?†. When you ask open-ended questions such as â€Å"who†, â€Å"what†, â€Å"where†, â€Å"when†, â€Å"why†, and â€Å"how†, it requires â€Å"more than a â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no† answer and encourages the other person to talk†. (Sole, 2011, p. 172). There is always a possibility for you to run into stumbling blocks within interpersonal interactions to each other. Stumbling blocks could be in the form of self-image, self-esteem, and misinterpretation. Self-image is what we tell ourselves what we look like, if we are fat or skinny, pretty or ugly, smart or dumb, and the like. It is important to have a positive self-image because in accepting and loving yourself, it will allow you to be accepted and loved by another person. (Sole, 2011, Ch. 3.1, para. 29). If you do not have a positive self-image, it can be difficult to accept that another person accepts and loves you which could lead to distrust in a relationship. Self-esteem is your sense of self-worth and the level of satisfaction you have with yourself. (Sole, 2011, Ch. 3.1, Para. 30). A low self-esteem could cause problems within the relationship because it could bring a pessimistic attitude to difficulties that may rise. For many people, weight issues have the potential to cause low self-esteem. A great example of this concept would be myself at the times when I am at my heaviest and/or I am badly in need of a haircut. My outlook is grim and chocked with frustration. I tend to have a negative attitude towards those around me and I have little to no desire to leave the house. This is in opposition to when I have improved my appearance and my self-esteem raises along with my attitude. I try to maintain a healthy self-esteem, which I suspect allows me to pull myself out of the pocket of low self-esteem when needed. A person with a healthy sense of self-esteem thinks highly of themselves and has confidence in their ability to bounce back from any adversities. If I did  not do my best to maintain a healthy self-esteem, I do not think I would be able to pull myself o ut of the low pockets of self-esteem. Instead, I would most likely fall into a depression. To further demonstrate this concept, we can use an analogy of a person that takes vitamins on a daily basis. The person takes vitamins to strengthen their immune system but that does not guarantee they will never get sick. A healthy immune system will â€Å"make you less vulnerable to disease and better equipped to overcome it†. (Esteemed Self, 2013). In applying this analogy towards a person’s self-image, a healthy self-image will not guarantee there will never be adversities. A healthy self-image will make a person less at risk of succumbing to adversity and able to overcome it. In essence, having a healthy self-image allows a person to believe in themselves and to be okay with the way they look, feel, and so forth. Another potential stumbling block is misinterpretation. Misinterpretation occurs when one person incorrectly perceives the message of the other person. It is important to give feedback and to receive fee dback to ensure proper communication. Correct understanding is essential for effective communication between each other. Misinterpretation can come from the tone in a person’s voice or from any nonverbal communication. The tone of a voice can sound very unfriendly from the sender, perhaps from having a bad day, which could confuse the listener. The listener could internalize the negative tone in the speaker’s voice thinking it is directed at them. Other problems with the tone of our voices could include unclear mumbling, yelling, talking too fast, or an irritated tone could all contribute to miscommunications. We must be conscious of the tone in our voices to avoid any miscommunications. Nonverbal communication is the message that our bodies give off. Much like the tone of our voices, it is important that we are mindful of what our body language is telling the person we are speaking to. For example, what we do with our eyes while we are communicating can signal to the other person if we are uninterested or bored in the conversation (not making eye contact, looking away, looking at our wat ch, etc.). Much like our eyes can communicate a message to the other person, so can our facial expressions. Our facial expressions can signal to the other person how we feel but, at times can be miscommunicated as insincerity. (Sole, 2011, p. 119). Body posture and hand gestures are also part of the nonverbal communication that we must be cognizant of. Body  posture can send messages of disinterest if, for example, a person is folding their arms while they are communicating. Folding your arms can be very tempting to do, especially during a conflict. The examples of nonverbal communication mentioned will only serve as an aggravation to the situation, or rather conflict. An example of this is when my husband would smile as he was making a point during our disagreements (conflicts). It was not a genuine smile, but rather a condescending smile. After thinking about the behavior during our disagreements, my husband and I made a pact to do our best at avoiding this type of negative nonverbal communication. It is important to practice a healthy sense of self-concept, which is an inventory of your strengths, weaknesses, traits, race, heritage, and any other description that makes you who you are today. (Sole, 2011, Ch. 3.1, para. 1). Throughout your life up to this point, you have had many experiences to react and interpret different situations. My particular example of this would be the cultures that I grew up in. One illustration would be the Hispanic culture that my family and I are a part of. I experienced a sense of belonging to the Hispanic community and it therefore played a part in defining my self-concept. A sense of belonging is an important experience for a person so that they will see themselves as â€Å"loved, loving, and valuable†. (Ferrer & Fugate, 2003). In short, a person with a healthy sense of self-concept is able to have balance in their lives and is able to have better control over themselves, such as their emotions. This healthy sense of self-concept has a positive effect on relationships. Much like self-esteem or self-image, a negative sense of self-concept has the potential to keep a person from developing a feeling of belonging. In lacking the feeling of belonging, it could serve as a wedge that separates the individual from another person thus preventing any closeness in forming. Throughout our formative years, we experience reactions from people that serve as a form of feedback or we perform a self-analysis on ourselves based on that feedback. One or both of these make their own particular contribution in shaping our self-concept, a sense of who we are based on a combination of the cultures we have belonged to. Over time, this combination of who we are strengthens our self-concept and is an important influence on your ability to perceive and overcome difficulties. In application to your relationship, your self-concept has an influence on how you will handle  personal and sensitive issues that may arise. When communicating with each other, it is essential to develop good listening skills. Listening has the power to make the other person feel worthy, appreciated, and respected. It is a very uncomfortable feeling when you are speaking to someone, they have poor listening skills, and you are left to wonder if they even care about what you are talking about. Comprehension listening, or â€Å"critical listening†, is listening for facts, information, or ideas that may be of use to you. (Sole, 2011, Ch. 7.3, Para. 16). Empathetic listening is when you make an attempt to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. (Sole, 2011, Ch. 7.3, Para. 18). Both types of listening will be of great use to you in your marriage. A great technique for both types of listening is the speaker-listener technique. To begin the exercise, the first speaker has the floor and when he or she is finished, the listener then summarizes what the speaker just said. This process is repeated back and forth throughout the disagreement or conversation. This technique helps in ensuring both people communicating are understanding each other. In taking a moment to summarize what the speaker has said, it gives validation to the speaker. This could also tie into emotional intelligence, or more specifically, the ability to be empathetic towards the other person. When a person does not feel validated, they will be less likely to listen to the other person. This is an effective technique to use when two people have difficulty in commun icating with each other. Case in point, during the early years of my marriage to my husband, we were having difficulty during our disagreements. Our disagreements were filled with emotions and were very tense. Each of us wanted to get our point across and wanted the other person to listen to us. We realized we were accomplishing nothing. We made a decision to attend counseling where we learned the speaker-listener technique. My husband and I both have a better understanding the importance of validity. It is essential for a person to be heard and validated in a conflict. In doing so, they will be more open to compromising with the other person. It has taken me many years to understand the importance of communication skills such as self-disclosure, emotional intelligence, and the speaker-listener technique. All of these skills combined help in avoiding the type of pitfalls that can hurt a marriage rather than help. I stress the importance of all of these skills to you so that you will be successful in the coming years of  marriage. I will also stress avoiding stumbling blocks such as low self-esteem and misinterpretation that can rob any marriage of the joy of healthy communication. I am confident that both of you will be successful in practicing and perfecting the art of communication in the years to come. One last note to remember, interpersonal communication is ever changing because people are ever changing, therefore you will always need to practice and perfect it. Good luck on your marriage and have fun learning to communicate with each other! References Esteemed Self. (2013). The Dangers of Low Self-Esteem. Retrieved from Ferrer, M., & Fugate, A.M. (2003). Helping Your School-Age Child Develop a Healthy Self-Concept. EDIS. Retrieved from Schoenberg, N. (2011, January 17). Can we talk? Researcher talks about the role of communication in happy marriages. McClatchy-Tribune News Service. Retrieved from ProQuest Newsstand. Document ID: 2240370261 Schrà ¶der-Abà ©, M., & Schà ¼tz, A. (2011). Walking in each other’s shoes: Perspective taking mediates effects of emotional intelligence on relationship quality. European Journal of Personality, 25(2), 155-169. Doi:10.1002/per.818 Sole, K. (2011).Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Mind Tools. (2013). Emotional intelligence. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Can Chinese Brands Make It Abroad Essay

China is known for its manufacturing due to low labor costs and supplies the world’s biggest brands. Most Chinese companies take on the role of original-equipment manufacturer (OEM). However, due to the home market being so competitive, the Chinese government now wants Chinese companies to tackle the market abroad by establishing their brands in developed countries. Currently, companies have now emerged in developed markets with products such as appliances and consumer electronics. Examples of this include Lenovo computers which have positioned itself for overseas expansion. Keijian, a mobile-telephone maker, sponsors one of England’s top soccer teams to build brand recognition. The way in which Samsung achieved this was acquiring basic product-development skills through joint ventures and more than 50 technology-licensing agreements. On establishing their brand in the US, Samsung discounted their products to target price-sensitive customers. Slowly it learned the requirements of its markets by conducting extensive market research, building sales overseas and manufacturing operations in the US, Germany, the UK and Australia. They also increased R&D budgets which allowed them to invest in products and technologies that would raise their brand profile. China competes against the world’s best electronic products in features, quality and price. Furthermore, its low labor costs make Chinese goods less expensive. Also, China has a large growing pool of skilled engineers and money to invest in new products. By products alone, it is safe to say that China can establish themselves abroad, however, developing the right marketing strategy for branded goods is key. Branding Before, consumers were reluctant to buy good from Japan or Korea in fear of quality issues and now China is experiencing the same issue. The Chinese companies most likely to succeed are those which have a track record in low-cost, high-quality manufacturing and show marketing skill on a local level. Haier has built factories in the US which they believe the added expense of producing goods there is outweighed by the ability to respond quickly to changes in the market. OEM Cost, quality leadership, acquiring the need technology and capabilities and the ability to support a number of global customers are the key success actors in the OEM model. Low costs must be accompanied by excellent skills in supply chain management and sourcing. Manufacturers for OEM customers target those who want lower manufacturing costs but not ready to set up operations in China. Channels – Step by step approach Retailers are looking for distinct brands and products. They may also be interested in deals with Chinese companies who supply products on an exclusive basis. Shelf space is also expensive and the competition for it can be intense. SVA has transformed itself, focusing on high-end plasma TVs, TFT-LCD displays and DLP projection TVs. It also mass-produces quality products at a low cost. The company took a step by step approach to success: 1. Relying largely on distributors that offer promotion and service assistance to manufacturers. This gave the company a chance to learn about the US market. 2. Working with distributors on trade-level promotional activities including attendance at industry conferences rather than spending millions to build brand awareness. Distributors find SVA attractive because it can offer customers low-cost products, a factor that’s important to small and midsize electronic retails that compete with big retailers like Wal-Mart. 3. Avoid low-end color TV market where it would be up against other Chinese companies selling on an OEM basis. They instead focused on upmarket products where the market is growing and there is little rivalry from other Chinese companies. 4. Recruited US-based executives to whom they gave an equity stake in the venture and hired Japanese ex-Sony production man agers to help control its manufacturing quality. It’s also working with international firms to improve design. Taking this model to Europe may prove a little trickier due to Europeans being more conscious of brands and quality. Channels – Buying your way in An alternative is buying into the market through mergers and acquisitions. Suitable targets would have valuable assets, brands, customer bases, technology or channels. A buyer could move the bulk of the acquired company’s production to China while retaining the brand name, distribution channels and some of the local talent. Over time, it could co-brand the product with its own name to build customer awareness of its Chinese brand. Once this is established, the buyer could phase out the target brand. The biggest obstacle is locating qualified turnaround managers. TCL International Holdings purchased a German television maker in an attempt to tap into the European market. Included in the acquisition was Schneider’s plants, distribution network of chain stores, hypermarket, mail order and trademark rights to a series of brands. Some Schneider employees were also rehired to oversee production. TCL is also using the Schneider brand to position its mobile telephones in the high-end segment of the Chinese market.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Understand and Apply the Principles of Liability in Negligence a Essay

Understand and Apply the Principles of Liability in Negligence a Business Context - Essay Example Understand and apply the principles of liability in negligence a business context A business at a given time is bound to be liable for some acts either it has committed or has been committed by any third party who had the ability, right or duty to control the activities of the business. Example of this relationship is that of employer and employee, or that of a parent and a child. Vicarious liability assigns liability for an injury or loss to a person who did not actually cause the injury but has a special legal relationship to the person who acted negligently (Bermingham and Brennan, 2008, p. 27). As has been noted, a business can at a given time be bound to be liable for some acts, and particularly those committed by another person who has special legal relationship with the business. So, how can a business be vicariously liable? There are different incidences in which a business can be vicariously liable. For example, the owner of a car can be held vicariously liable for negligence that was committed by his driver. In an event that a driver commits a negligent act such as exceeding speed limit and as a results causes an accident, the owner (can be a registered business) of the car may be liable for the loss suffered by the owner of the other car or for the injury suffered by the other person involved in the accident.Vicarious liability in this context is based on the assumption that the owner of the car has provided the car for a particular use, and therefore the operator of the car is acting as the agent of the owner. The same assumption is also applied in circumstances whereby the owner of the car lends a car to a friend. Another example of an incidence where a business can be vicariously liable is that which involves a bank that is performing car repossession from the registered owner because of non-payment; the bank has a duty not to cause peace breach when undertaking the repossession. If its agent do cause then it will be liable for the damages as noted in the case of MBank El Paso v. Sanchez (Giliker, P, 2010, p. 21). Generally, v icarious liability operates within the law of torts. Its general rule is that a person who authorizes a tort will be liable personally for injuries or losses that arise as a result. It should be noted that vicarious liability operates within certain circumstances which requires that a person should be liable only in circumstances where special legal relationship exists with the person who has committed negligent act. Vicarious liability has been said to have some merits. The first one is that it is easier for the claimant to attach blame precisely to a responsible person. The second merit is that it makes the owner of a business to impose caution the persons in control of activities thereby helping it avoid avoidable losses (Henderson, 2002, p. 313). 2. Legal principles relating to the vicarious liability have developed through the case law to create scenarios that vicarious liability operates in the field of employment law. Mainly, it has created five main scenarios as demonstrated in the chart below: Always directly liable; always vicariously liable; may be vicariously liable; not vicariously liable; and is always vicariously liable Vicarious Liability Under the tort of negligence, employers are vicariously liable for the torts committed by their employees in the course of employment. Two main reasons have been cited for the justification of vicariously liability imposition on the employers: since the employees help the employers make profit,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Future Economic Stagnation for Rich Countries Essay

Future Economic Stagnation for Rich Countries - Essay Example This essay demonstrates the huge gap between rich countries and developing countries and provides factors and reasons for possible future economic stagnation for rich countries. There used to be a time when there existed a few rich countries who dominated the world economy and their contribution to the global GDP was around two-third. This means that the rest of the world was under developed and had a falling economy rate. Later, the world faced some crisis which shook the rich countries’ economy and at the same time helped the developing countries to grow at a high pace. This led to the possibility of economic stagnation of the rich countries in near future. In the current scenario, globalization has worked in favor of developing economies. Several developing countries, majorly Asian economies, are growing at such a high pace that the gap between the rich and the developing countries has shortened big time. Reasons of the possible future economic stagnation are: Recent Western Recession, Insufficient Supply and Slow Recovery from Financial Crisis (2008-2009). First recommendations for avoiding future economic stagnationis Improving Short-Term Demand and Efficient Supply. No country can recover from the financial crises in a short time. Second recommendation is Boosting Medium-Term Growth. The third recommendation is Role of Government, that should also put their effort and think more logically regarding the ways of supporting the demand and making better the supply which can in return increase the productivity.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Immigration waves Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Immigration waves - Essay Example The preindustrial/commercial period marked the second immigration wave which emerged during the Civil war and the American Revolution. This period was marked by major advancement in economic development which was aided by improved infrastructures, increased farming activities and population increase in major urban centers. The Irish immigrants who were driven out of their countries by famine mainly settled in urban areas and did manual jobs for their survival in the crowded places. Their lives were marked by poor living conditions which were worsened by malnutrition, diseases and neglect. However, some of them received assistance from the early Irish immigrants who offered a lot of support to them. The industrial period opened the third wave of immigration in which many cities had already been developed. The political leaders saw the need for the provision of basic services to the urban dwellers in order to improve their living conditions. This period was further marked by the arriva l of immigrants from Austria-Hungary, Spain, Italy and Russia who had been attracted by the fact there were many job opportunities due to the industrial revolution that was taking places in major cities. The group caused varied reactions from the leading class of the native-born Americans who feared that they may lose their influence due to the increasing number of immigrants from Europe. Several measures were thus put in place to ensure that the welfare of the natives was well taken care of.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Stocks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stocks - Essay Example (Maunder 3rd Ed).However Common Shareholders are entitled to rights of pre-emption in the event of the company decision of offering more stock. Preferred Stock:Preferred Stock pertains to the philosophy of "hybrid security", that is where there is a payment of a fixed dividend to its owners and this dividend does not fluctuate(it does not have to be paid this dividend if. Preferred stock can be either Cumulative( that is giving its owners the right to accumulate dividend payments missed before),Non-Cumulative (where no payment is made available for skipped dividends),Participating(stock with a higher rate of dividend) and Convertible(to shares). Trading in stocks is carried out at the stock exchange, by individual investors and hedge fund traders. However trading in stocks is no longer limited to the interaction at the Stock Exchange and stocks are also auctioned at the open stock exchange through "Open Outcry" and share purchases can also be made online.An example of the physical/conventional stock exchange model is New York Stock Exchange which is a listed exchange. How are stocks traded on a listed exchange Orders for the purchase of stock are entered through the exchange members and go on to the specialists Once a purchase has been made the specialist will close the difference taking into amount the time considerations. The details of the trade are recorded and sent back to the relevant brokerage firm.The modern day physical stock exchange is also highly computerised. An example of virtual listed exchange is NASDAQ which includes trading only over the computer and the traders will be matched through the computer system. Another example of an electronic stock exchange is the The Paris Bourse. Why are stocks and stock markets an integral part of the Economy Significant source of funding for large companies in a public way as stocks present a fairly liquid investment option unlike investment in property etc. Rising stock prices indicate a booming economy and good business investment. Stock prices are on the top agenda of financial regulators like the state/central bank as any unusual variation in these prices will adversely affect the health of the economy. Therefore the smooth exchange of stocks and shares facilitates entrepreneurial success and long term success in an economy. Currently there is an increased trend of investing in stocks rather than government based securities like bonds etc in the developed economic systems like

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Evaluate a range of current leadership theories and models to reflect Essay

Evaluate a range of current leadership theories and models to reflect current thinking and explain the impact of those syles to different sub-divisions , organi - Essay Example Taking into account several features there have appeared 5 major models of leadership at least in the Western society. Later we will see leadership in the Eastern society, but now let’s look at a classification of leadership according to the following main characteristics as summarised by David Boje (2003): Charismatic inspiration - attractiveness to others and the ability to leverage this esteem to motivate others; Preoccupation with a rà ´le - a dedication that consumes much of leaders life - service to a cause; A clear sense of purpose (or mission) - clear goals - focus – commitment; Results-orientation - directing every action towards a mission - prioritizing activities to spend time where results most accrue; Optimism - very few pessimists become leaders; Rejection of determinism - belief in ones ability to "make a difference"; Ability to encourage and nurture those that report to them - delegate in such a way as people will grow; Rà ´le models - leaders may adopt a persona that encapsulates their mission and lead by example; Self-knowledge (in non-bureaucratic structures); Self-awareness - the ability to "lead" (as it were) ones own self prior to leading other selves similarly. One common attribute that signals any leadership is vision. This element is universally looked for in any kind of leadership. Vision is a fundamental force that moves the followers towards a goal. This vision is supposed to have the following characteristics in order to be effective according to the Wikipedia (2005): Paul D. Gardiner (2005) makes a simple distinction between Scientific and Administrative Managements: â€Å"Scientific management focuses on the one best way to do a job. Administrative management emphasizes the flow of information in the organisation.† The pioneers in the Scientific Management movement are Frederick W. Taylor (1856- 1915), husband and wife team Frank Gilbreth (1868-1924) and Lillian Gilbreth

Monday, September 23, 2019

Give it any topic based off 5 topics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Give it any topic based off 5 topics - Essay Example ase in the pollution of the air and this in turn has produced many unwanted results which have affected not only the environment but also human health (Park 2007, Jeremy et al 2010). According to the statistics of the World Health Organization in the year 2008, every year 2 million deaths can be attributed to air pollution. Not only this, air pollution has been linked to many health problems of the human beings and it has resulted in alterations in the atmosphere and led to environmental problems like global warming. This has called for the implementation of strategies to overcome the issue of air pollution so that the unwanted affects of this form of pollution can be overcome. It can also be analyzed that the reduction in the air pollution will result in the reduction of the health hazards that it poses. This paper will serve to explain the different causes of air pollution along with the different impacts that it lays on the environment and the human beings. It will further elabora te the methods that can be employed to overcome this issue. Air forms the environment of the earth with which all living beings are in direct contact. It is essential for the survival of all living beings and the existence of life on this planet is not possible without air. The transmission of sound is only possible through air and it is also a source of the major gases which are essential for the survival of living beings. It is a mixture of different gases which include mainly nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide and the percentage of these gases in the air is 78.1, 20.93 and 0.03 respectively. It has many essential functions which can be explained by the fact that survival processes which include respiration and combustion cannot occur in the absence of air. The close contact between the air and the human beings can be used as the basis to explain the fact that contamination of this air can have affects on the health of the living beings. The pollution of air can be defined as the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Red, White, and Black by Gary Nash Essay Example for Free

Red, White, and Black by Gary Nash Essay Gary Nash author of Red, White, and Black purpose to their readers is describing the early colonists, but also the relationships toward Europeans, the Indians, and the Africans. Nash successfully analyzes the impact of the colliding three cultures and interprets them to give an overall theme about the relationships between those who made America what it is today. He has shown another point of view to his reader that we grew up and was raise in a white people land; learning only the White people point of view through history. His purpose of writing Red, White Black was to prove that Native Americans and Africans were not victims, but played as a active role to American history. Nash major theme that he covers in his book was about the three cultures in America and to interpret them overall. The theme is about the issue that Americans have towards the Native American and Africans. He wanted to examine and studied other culture history instead of only learning from the American side. He figures out that they were victims to the history and was just a role in the American history. His main point of time frame was from 1492-1796. The introduction to Nash research took place in Eastern and Northern America. Nash was against how the founding fathers came to America and affected the Natives and Africans. He was against how the founding fathers came to their land and changed their destiny of lives and culture because they took what belong to them first. Anthropologists call this process â€Å"transculturation† and historians call it â€Å"Social change. † His argument towards the historical terms is that we are studying a dynamic process of interaction that shaped the history of American Indians, Europeans, and Africans in the North America in the 17 18 centuries. Gary B. Nash was arguing of something different than what is written to us. He believes of what the founding father want us to know and was marked down through history. But reality during those times American Indians and Africans had a big destiny change when the European came along. They changed and affected their lives in there home land. Gary B. Nash written Red, White, and Black purpose was mainly to let people know that, what’s ever that was passed down from the founding father in history is only what their views were and marked down in papers. How the Americans European changed the lives of all Native American and African that was located at Eastern and Northern America.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Global Financial Crisis Essay Example for Free

Global Financial Crisis Essay The Global Financial Crisis can be studied from many different perspectives. Most of the consequences are already being analyzed, and even though new events may still take place; these consequences have impacted, and if not yet detected, they will impact our Society, our Culture, old and new technologies, the commercial and industrial sector and overall our value systems and ethical standards. Global warming is the major issue that would impact Technology, Society and Culture and have an important effect upon our ethics. Most of us expected a great reaction from the biggest economy in the world because the level of consciousness about global warming, had motivated many politicians to act upon it, the financial sector was already in a position to invest in it, and many industrial sectors had made the decision to participate in what could have been called â€Å"The Green Adventure†. â€Å"It took a great war, and all the military industries that fed the carnage, to bring America out of the Depression. But to a surprising degree, the world economy has been riding the strength of its hottest sectors ever since. By the 1990s, it was the rise of the Internet and the network economy, which collapsed in the dotcom bubble and gave way to housing and the financing that paid for it. In each of these recent cases it was the market that discovered and promoted a new engine for growth—creating millions of jobs and trillions in profits worldwide. Between 1996 and 2000, the technology sector created 1. 6 million new jobs, according to Moodys Economy. com—roughly 14 percent of new U. S. job growth. In this decade, the financial sector accounted for a lions share of U. S. corporate profit, while housing accounted for a staggering 40 percent of new U. S. job growth. Now, those two stalled drivers are leading producers of unemployment: Goldman Sachs, the royal house of finance, announced a 10 percent staff cut last week. The world, simply put, needs a new economic driver, a new hot growth industry. † A lot of funds are being invested in the green technology activities like in its research and development, even though the oil prices are reducing and the economic crisis seems to take longer than expected. Whether such investment measures will yield the anticipated success is not a subject that can be experimentally tested. A number of business organizations have been reported to have made huge investments in the green technology, even though there seems to be minimal improvements. As the current economic crisis demand numerous investments to rescue the economy, concerns are being raised on the resources which are being dedicated at rescuing the environment. These concerns are raised while considering the fact that the continued economic crisis could divert the attention of the organizations and the governments in sustaining effective green technologies. Some of the efforts which are being made by the business organizations and the governments include the trade in the carbon market, which seeks to reduce the carbon emissions. On the other hand, the governments are offering stimulus packages for offering support to the financial institutions, which have promoted the carbon trading investments. In a number of occasions, the policies which seek to achieve a sustainable environment seem to take a back seat, when the global economy experiences financial difficulties. International organizations like the United Nations are devising strategies, which seek to reduce the level of carbon emissions through the utilization of the renewable sources of energy. This research paper will make an analysis of the green technologies and its impact on the global economy. A number of benefits of the green technology has been analyzed, besides the measures that the various governments and organizations are taking in reacting to sustain the environment. Going green and fossil fuel In the 1990’s fossil fuels accounted for 85% of the U. S energy use, and today fossil fuels are still the prime movers of industrial life. (Griffin, PG. 2) Although fossil fuels have contributed to global warming the U. S has continued to use it, because of its cheap availability; however, in the recent years it has become scarcer and more expensive. (Griffin, PG. 2) In the 1990’s the U. S oil supply climbed to 17 million barrels a day; however with domestic oil declining the U. S has opted to now import roughly 50% of its crude oil petroleum. (Griffin, PG. 2) As the war continues between the U. S and Iraq the price of oil will continue to rise, and the U. S may need to look into alternative energy. Although the U. S has always had the spending power to burn through resources such as oil and fossil fuels; the current economic crisis is an opportunity for the U. S to become more green and learn that alternative energy can be more affordable in the long run and definitely safer on our environment. Every economic crisis brings opportunities for the U. S to get out of their comfort zone and really do something to move the U. S forward. Alternative energy will be more affordable and will help during the economic crisis. The U. S’s dependency on oil imports has been a concern for years, and now with the economy in bad shape the U. S can take the opportunity to look into moving towards alternative energy. Unlike oil fossil fuels solar energy, wind energy, and hydropower energy are reusable and will not bring an issue of scarceness. One of the issues with our current use of oils fossil fuels is that they have become scarce and therefore, a concern arises with the U. S dependency. Reusable energy will eliminate that threat and the cost benefits in the long run will improve. We do not need to buy sun power to use solar energy, nor do we need to buy the air to get wind energy. The cost to switch to these new systems may be expensive to start, but the maintenance will be more cost efficient than importing oil at the amounts we do and at the current cost. (FT Business, PG. 1) Wind is a favored sub-sector in the BlackRock portfolio because it is affordable, low carbon, and scalable power generation technology of choice. (FT Business, PG. 1) Wind accounts for the largest share of new generation capacity installed in the US and Europe in 2007, respectively at 30% and 40%. (FT Business, PG. 1) Ed Guinness co-manages Guinness Asset Managements Dublin-domiciled says it is not only the cost of fuel that is driving up electricity prices, but also increases in the raw materials needed for construction. (FT Business, PG. 1) He also stated that prices of oil, gas and coal are all increasing tremendously and so are the construction costs of power plants, stating it now costs twice as much to make electricity from new-build gas turbines than it did one year ago making wind and solar energy highly competitive. (FT Business, PG. 1) With that said it is now in the times of economic struggles that America should make change that will be benefited in the years to come. Some manufacturers, such as, agriculture, food processing, metal refining, paper manufacturing and the chemical industry have switched to alternative energy to join the â€Å"Green† campaign that has been moving through the world for years. (Katz, PG. 16) The main alternative energy the manufacturing applications have used is electricity and thermal energy. (Katz, PG. 16) James Lee, an associate professor in the Golisano Institute for Sustainability at the Rochester Institute of Technology, stated that manufacturing companies are working in both of these areas to reduce consumption and expand the use of alternatives to fossil fuel. Many manufacturers are investing in combined heat and power (CHP) systems that produce both electricity and heat for their manufacturing processes. CHP systems increase energy efficiency by making better use of the energy. Using a CHP system also enables companies to produce electricity directly from alternative fuel sources such as biofuels, hydrogen and solid municipal waste. (Katz, PG. 16) Unlike Solar and wind energy, thermal energy is not really a natural resource, but still more cost efficient and less risky to be dependent on than oil fossil fuels.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Demand Curve Shifts Economics Essay

A Demand Curve Shifts Economics Essay A shift in the demand curve to the left or right represents a change in consumer preferences. A shift to the right indicates that an item has become more commercially desirable and that a larger number will be sold at a given price. A shift to the left is just the opposite, indicating that a marketplace good is less desirable and that fewer items will be sold at a given price. How would supply or demand be affected when the following things occur? Oranges- after a tornado The demand cure will shift to the left meaning that there has been a change in what the consumer is interested in. The oranges will become less desirable because there will be fewer oranges to sell at a given price. There will be a short supply of oranges and the demand for them will lessen in that area hit by the tornado. It will take time to build the funds for any equipment that had been damaged by the tornado. Other areas will still have the same demand for the oranges because they were not affected by the tornado and they may pay a higher price for the oranges. Automobiles after a major recall This will affect the maker of the automobile and the demand for autos from that maker will go down. Other auto companies may have a spike in sales if the consumer is shopping for an automobile that has not been affected by the recall. This spikes the demand for other autos from another company and halts the supply from the auto that has been recalled. Spinach- after the FDA announces that spinach can prevent cancer Here the demand curve will shift to the right. Suppliers will have to adjust to the change to meet the level of demand. The price on the spinach rise because if demand increases so does the price. This may lead to a shortage of the spinach because the demand can exceed the quantity of the spinach supply. Flu Vaccines after technology was discovered to mass produce flu vaccines If there is a mild flu season not everyone will get a flu shot. For example, if there was a press release of a large amount of people contraction the flu, more people would get flu shots and the demand will go up. If there is less press coverage of people contracting the flu, the less there will be a demand. Since the vaccine can be mass produced the supply and demand will stay equal and the price affordable and may not fluctuate much at all. The midterm exam will be worth 150 points or 15% of your grade. It will constitute of 5 short answers worth 30 points each. The midterm exam is open book and there is no time limit on the exam. You have the option of saving your answer and resuming at a later time. When completed, please submit in a ONE word document. *Upload via attachment* The midterm exam questions will contain material discussed in class (discussions, assignments, websites, etc.) and textbook material (Chapters 1-7, 9-11). All short answers must contain information using no external research. Students are required to respond in their own words using applicable examples and knowledge gained from the class. A typical short answer should be between 100-150 words. The following rubric will be used to assess each of your midterm answers: 15 Points- Justification and Accuracy of Answers (opinion, point articulation) 10 Points Integration of example (s) 5 Points- Spelling, Grammar and APA (typos, grammar style, tone, flow) ** Please note that APA must be used when answering each question (introduction, body, and conclusion). ** Each answer should be on a separate sheet of paper ** There should be one title for the midterm exam 3. Describe the flow of resources, products, income, and revenue among the economic decision-makers (households, firms, and markets) in an open economy. How does this affect GDP? (30 Points) 4. Compare and contrast the command economy, the capitalist economy, the traditional economy and the mixed economy. (30 Points) 5. In your own words, please define and describe the following terms: supply curve, demand curve, gross domestic product and gross national product. (30 Points) To better define macroeconomics, consider its distinction from microeconomics. Imagine you are attempting to figure out how the price of a certain good has been determined. Microeconomics would focus on how supply and demand determine prices, while macroeconomics would study the determination of prices at all levels. To test particular policies and ideas, or to find out the causes of good macroeconomic performance, we need to have some measure of overall economic activity. For this reason, macroeconomics uses aggregates (totals) to measure key concepts such as national income, output, unemployment, inflation, and business cycles (periodic expansions and contractions of economic activity). By studying macroeconomics and understanding the critical ideas and tools used to measure economic data, you will have a better perspective on the issues and problems discussed in contemporary economics. Compare and contrast 3 main differences between microeconomics and macroeconomics. Why is it important for you to study macroeconomics? (30 Points) Microeconomics is the study of your economic behavior and the economic behaviors of others. (McEachern, p. 8). Macroeconomics studies the performance of the economy as a whole. (McEachern, p. 9). Economists use economic models when making predictions or assumptions about the economy because they are easy to relay information through. Most people are visual and like things broken down into pieces that all connect. The circular flow model would be beneficial because it traces the flow of resources, products, income, and revenue for making financial decisions. Economists use economic models when making predictions or assumptions about the economy because an economic theory, or economic model, is a simplification of economic reality à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (It) captures the important elements of the problem under study (McEachern, p. 9). Trying to examine all of the economic variables and data would be so complex and overwhelming, that the original problem or question could easily become lost or diffused. A theoretical model, on the other hand, facilitates focusing on the key relationships (p. 69). Economist use economic models when making predictions or assumptions about the economy mainly because the models help simplify things. The economy and everything that goes along with it can be a very complex matter so without the simplification it would be easy to get confused or off track. The models also help to create a template for economists to follow when they are making their predictions of what will happen in the future. This allows them to try and plan ahead for things that might come about. You cannot plan for everything but it is better to be over prepared then not at all. These predictions help economists be sure that all the demands can be met. Economists sometimes use the scientific method to study economic problems. It consists of four steps, Step one: Identify the question and define relevant variables, Step two: Specify assumptions, Step three: Formulate a hypothesis, Step four: Test the hypothesis. According to William McEachern, an economic model is a simplification of economic reality, which economists use to make predictions about the real world (McEachern, 2009, p. 9). Economic models assist economists by condensing and illustrating information, allowing them to analysis situations and create a future forecast. There are several different economic models, such as the production possibilities frontier (PPF), the circular flow diagram, supply and demand diagram, as well as other advanced economic models. The PPF takes into consideration all resources, technology, and rules which apply to production, and identifies possible combinations of the two goods that can be produced when all available resources are employed efficiently (McEachern, 2009, p. 27). In general, the PPF model is a curved graph that allows economics to determine what production levels are efficient, inefficient, and unattainable. The circular flow diagram is a flow chart which describes the flow of resources , products, income, and revenue among economic decision makers (McEachern, 2009, p. 6) . This economic model illustrates for economists how a system functions in order to determine if it is operating efficiently or inefficiently and if it can be improved. Finally, the supply and demand diagram identifies the supply and demand of a good or service, while depicting its price, quantity, and equilibrium. This model allows economists to measure and predict how changes in supply or demand effect price and quantity. 2.List and describe in your own words 3 determinant of aggregate demand and 3 determinants of aggregate supply?(30 Points)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Faith healing is an unbelievable phenomenon where diseases and medical conditions are cured solely through spiritual means. First demonstrated by Jesus Christ, many modern day faith healers claim they can heal any disease and offer their services as an alternative to modern-day medical treatment. There have been many displays of this faith healing over the years, but it’s a controversial topic that has many people for and against. There are many self professed faith healers in the world today. Some of them are famous and ridiculously rich, some are the opposite, but they all claim to have some sort of supernatural power capable of healing through faith alone. It’s the exact opposite of medical treatment and is hard to prove, but cases of cures are being reported often. For example, the Healing Rooms Ministry of Bethel Church in Redding, California have pages of testimonials of people claiming to be healed of things such as broken bones and cancer. But how is it possible to know whether these stories have been fabricated or not? How is it possible to know to what extent the faith healing actually had an effect on the cure. It isn’t possible. What often happens in these faith healing situations is what is called the placebo effect. People go into it expecting to be cured, and may end up no longer feeling the effects of their disease after being â€Å"healed†. The problem with this is the fallacial reasoning, whereby the participant affirms the consequent and also gets caught up in a post hoc, ergo propter hoc. The participant uses the faith healing method, and then if they get better they will assume that it was because of the faith healing and not any natural process or other medical treatment they may have received. There are many log... .... Putting the beliefs behind it aside, though, many groups and organisations have offered cash incentives for cured victims of particular faith healers to publicly come forward, but no-one ever has. Furthermore, previously mentioned James Randi has had a cash prize of one million dollars for anyone who can prove that they have supernatural powers to him. He has been offering this award for many years, but has not needed to pay up even once to date. Faith healing is something that many people have experienced, through themselves or a loved one, and some will speak only good of it, but many will argue the opposite. Despite the relatively large number of positive testimonials, faith healers have a bad track record, and as much as it would be nice for it to be at least somewhat reasonable, there is no solid or scientific evidence whatsoever to suggest that is the case.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Therapeutic Benefits of Stem Cells Essay -- Science Health Technology

Therapeutic Benefits of Stem Cells A stem cell is a cell which can differentiate into any other type of cell in the body. It can become a blood cell, a liver cell, or even a nerve cell. The only problem with stem cells is that they can only be found in the bone marrow of living humans or the gonadal tissue of developing fetuses. There are many people who believe that stem cells are the miracle cure for cancer, Parkinson’s, and many other terminal diseases, but there are large groups of people opposed to the use of stem cells because of the means by which they are attained. This debate will go on indefinitely, because there are prodigious amounts of support for both sides of the issue. The many benefits of stem cells out weigh the ethical issues behind the retrieval methods. There are many diseases that can be cured with stem cells. Lou Gehrig’s disease is a disorder in which the â€Å"nerve cells which operate muscles degrade over time† (Langreth, 2001). There is no certain cure for the disease, but â€Å"embryonic stem cells have been known to differentiate into motor neurons† (Langreth, 2001). The fact that stem cells can become motor neurons is astonishing because they can lead to a cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease. The possibility of curing this disease has many positive implications. Before, anyone who developed this condition was labeled as â€Å"dead† because there was no possibility of curing the disorder. The fact that we have a chance to cure this disease through the use of stem cells gives the people who suffer from the disease a glimmer of hope that they can be cured. Another disease which can possibly be cured through the use of stem cells is X-SCID. X-SCID is an X-linked immunodeficiency that is genet ically inherited... ...5F0+ds+%5Fs%5F0+dstb+KS+fcl+Aut+hd+0+hs+0+or+Date+ri+KAAACBVB00236207+sm+KS+ss+SO+C061&cf=1&fn=1&rn=1&+KS+so+b+ss+SO+C495&cf=1&fn=311&rn=319 4. Langreth, Robert. Daring to Live. Retrieved March 25, 2003 from 5. FDA Consumer. Temporary Halt on Gene Therapy Trials. Retrieved March 25, 2003 from

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Decision Making Across the Organization

The Martinez Company has decided to introduce a new product and would like to evaluate the costs of manufacturing through capital intensive and labor intensive manufacturing methods to determine which of the two methods to employ. The values to be used in the evaluation for capital intensive manufacturing are direct materials at $5 per unit, direct labor at $6 per unit, a variable overhead of $3 per unit, and fixed manufacturing costs of $2,508,000. The values for material, labor, and overhead are summed to find the total variable cost of $14.The labor intensive values are direct materials at $5.50 per unit, direct labor at $8 per unit, a variable overhead of $4. 50 per unit, and fixed manufacturing costs of $1,538,000. The research department of Martinez recommended an introductory price unit sales price of $30. Incremental selling expenses are estimated to be $502,000 annually plus $2 for each unit sold regardless of the method used to manufacture. Capital Intensive To calculate ca pital intensive estimated break-even point in annual unit sales of the new product the contribution margin per unit and contribution margin per ratio are necessary.The equation for contribution margin per unit is Selling Price + Variable Cost, or $30 + $14, for a contribution margin per unit price of $16. The equation for contribution margin ration is Contribution Margin per Unit / Selling Price, or $16/$30, for a contribution margin ratio of 53%. The break-even point in units is calculated by dividing the fixed costs by the contribution margin per unit value, $2,508,000 / $16 = 156750 units as the break-even point. The fixed costs divided by the contribution margin ratio, $2,508,000 / 53% = $4,702,500 break-even point in dollars. Labor IntensiveTo calculate capital intensive estimated break-even point in annual unit sales of the new product the contribution margin per unit and contribution margin per ratio are necessary. The equation for contribution margin per unit is Selling Pric e + Variable Cost, or $30 + $18, for a contribution margin per unit price of $12. The equation for contribution margin ratio is Contribution Margin per Unit / Selling Price, or $12/$30, for a contribution margin ratio of 40%. The break-even point in units is calculated by dividing the fixed costs by the contribution margin per unit value, $1,538,000 / $12 = 128,167 units as the break-even point.The fixed costs divided by the contribution margin ratio, $1,538,000 / 40% = $3,845,000 break-even point in dollars. Unit Sales Volume of Indifference The volume of unit sales at which the Martinez Company would be indifferent between the two manufacturing methods is calculated as Sales = Variable Costs + Fixed Costs + Net Income. The value for sales is equivalent to the sales price, $30, multiplied by the number of units sold. Variable costs of $14 for capital intensive and $18 for labor intensive are also multiplied by the number of units sold.Fixed costs were provided at $2,508,000 for cap ital intensive and $1,538,000 for labor intensive. Net income is assumed to be $0. The equation values for 180,000 units under capital intensive manufacturing and 240,000 under labor intensive manufacturing is the volume of units for each method to equal sales of $2,880,000, the point at which the annual unit sales volume would be indifferent. Conclusion Evaluating the costs of manufacturing help management to make crucial decisions about methods of manufacturing that will result in profit for the business.Evaluating the capital intensive manufacturing method versus the labor intensive method provides the values necessary to make business decisions. The circumstances in which the Martinez Company would employ a capital intensive manufacturing method for the new product, based on the numbers provided in the scenario, would be if the contribution margin and per unit cost were cheaper than the labor intensive values. In this scenario, the labor intensive values offer a smaller break-ev en point value for units and dollars than the capital intensive method of manufacturing. Decision Making Across the Organization The Martinez Company has decided to introduce a new product and would like to evaluate the costs of manufacturing through capital intensive and labor intensive manufacturing methods to determine which of the two methods to employ. The values to be used in the evaluation for capital intensive manufacturing are direct materials at $5 per unit, direct labor at $6 per unit, a variable overhead of $3 per unit, and fixed manufacturing costs of $2,508,000. The values for material, labor, and overhead are summed to find the total variable cost of $14.The labor intensive values are direct materials at $5.50 per unit, direct labor at $8 per unit, a variable overhead of $4.50 per unit, and fixed manufacturing costs of $1,538,000. The research department of Martinez recommended an introductory price unit sales price of $30. Incremental selling expenses are estimated to be $502,000 annually plus $2 for each unit sold regardless of the method used to manufacture. Capital IntensiveTo calculate capi tal intensive estimated break-even point in annual unit sales of the new product the contribution margin per unit and contribution margin per ratio are necessary. The equation for contribution margin per unit is Selling Price + Variable Cost, or $30 + $14, for a contribution margin per unit price of $16. The equation for contribution margin ration is Contribution Margin per Unit / Selling Price, or $16/$30, for a contribution margin ratio of 53%.The break-even point in units is calculated by dividing the fixed costs by the contribution margin per unit value, $2,508,000 / $16 = 156750 units as the break-even point. The fixed costs divided by the contribution margin ratio, $2,508,000 / 53% = $4,702,500 break-even point in dollars. Labor IntensiveTo calculate capital intensive estimated break-even point in annual unit sales of the new product the contribution margin per unit and contribution  margin per ratio are necessary. The equation for contribution margin per unit is Selling Pri ce + Variable Cost, or $30 + $18, for a contribution margin per unit price of $12.The equation for contribution margin ratio is Contribution Margin per Unit / Selling Price, or $12/$30, for a contribution margin ratio of 40%. The break-even point in units is calculated by dividing the fixed costs by the contribution margin per unit value, $1,538,000 / $12 = 128,167 units as the break-even point. The fixed costs divided by the contribution margin ratio, $1,538,000 / 40% = $3,845,000 break-even point in dollars. Unit Sales Volume of IndifferenceThe volume of unit sales at which the Martinez Company would be indifferent between the two manufacturing methods is calculated as Sales = Variable Costs + Fixed Costs + Net Income. The value for sales is equivalent to the sales price, $30, multiplied by the number of units sold. Variable costs of $14 for capital intensive and $18 for labor intensive are also multiplied by the number of units sold. Fixed costs were provided at $2,508,000 for ca pital intensive and $1,538,000 for labor intensive.Net income is assumed to be $0. The equation values for 180,000 units under capital intensive manufacturing and 240,000 under labor intensive manufacturing is the volume of units for each method to equal sales of $2,880,000, the point at which the annual unit sales volume would be indifferent.ConclusionEvaluating the costs of manufacturing help management to make crucial decisions about methods of manufacturing that will result in profit for the business. Evaluating the capital intensive manufacturing method versus the labor intensive method provides the values necessary to make business decisions.The circumstances in which the Martinez Company would employ a capital intensive manufacturing method for the new product, based on the numbers provided in the scenario, would be if the contribution margin and per unit cost were cheaper than the labor intensive values. In this scenario, the labor intensive values offer a smaller break-even point value for units and dollars than the capital intensive method of manufacturing.

Monday, September 16, 2019

“Living in sin” by Adrienne Rich Essay

Being a woman is different from being a man. Women do have difficulties living with men. In the poem † Living in Sin†, the author, Adrienne Rich, has showed the difficulties of their life, and the horrible relationship through her figurative language, and imagery. The imagery reveals the difficulties and differences between men and women. First, she has â€Å"A plate of pears, a piano with a Persian shawl,† in her life. A plate of pears represents the sweetness of life. She expects she will have a sweet life, a great relationship with her mate. Secondly, â€Å"a towel to dust the table-top, and let the coffee-pot boil over on the stove† has shown that she has to take care of everything in the house. She uses a towel to clean the table. This shows her annoyance from cleaning, and she cleans the table carelessly. Finally, â€Å"By evening she was back in love again,† â€Å"she woke sometimes to feel the daylight coming like a relentless milkman up the stair.† These two lines contain both overstatement and irony. When the night is coming, she feels relax and back in love because she finishes all her work, and she can take a rest. Contrarily, when the morning is coming, she feels disappointed because all the annoying things will happen again. The carelessness of her mate makes her feels bad and she will no longer stay there.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Advertising and promotion strategy Essay

Since the inception of the company’s first outlet in Cleveland, Mississippi in the year 1987, Back Yard Burgers depended mostly on the word of mouth publicity to spread awareness and promote its home cooked burgers. New outlets that opened in the subsequent years expanded not only the company’s consumer base and revenue but also stressed the need for aggressive marketing strategy to sustain the increased cost of operations. Back Yard Burgers started advertising on the television in the year 1993. The initial advertising campaigns were titled â€Å"the great burger wars† that took a punch at the competitors. In June 1994 the company launched a series of campaigns that featured Dennis R. Phillipi, a popular comedian in Memphis who soon became famous as Dennis the â€Å"Back Yard Burgers Guy†. The commercials projected the burgers as bigger, tastier, and healthier than those offered by the competitors due to its grilled cooking method that melted most of the fat. The advertising campaigns were effective in increasing sales and raising the revenue by 10 to 15%. Launch of new products and subsequent commercials on the television featuring Dennis Phillipi was an effective strategy. The company used the audio of these commercials in radio advertising that was cheaper. In addition the company also used direct mail advertising. The company collects 1% of taxable sales from each franchisee and company-operated restaurants that goes to the national advertising fund. 50% of this fund is utilized for marketing promos through various channels like radio, television, and print media. The rest 50% is used for market research, new product testing, and development, improvising on the operational front. The company’s marketing director monitors product launch and new restaurant opening promotions and marketing managers with a well-trained staff. The management works in collaboration with the franchisees towards advertising and promotion of its restaurants. The advertising fee earned by the company increased from $314,000 in July 1, 2006 period to $318,000 in June 30, 2007 period. The $4000 increase over the earlier period is accounted to the 1% of sales that goes to the national advertising fund as per company policies. The company also recorded an increase in the advertising expense from $668,000 in the July 1, 2006 to $814,000 in June 30, 2007 that attributes to approximately 5% of the net restaurant sales on advertising in the past year. (see annexure for the comparative income statements). The company has been stressing on the advertising and promotion strategy but it has not been very effective. There are some important points that can be highlighted in this respect. †¢ The company has not been able to create brand loyalty and brand awareness in spite of good quality products and effective marketing strategy. This could be attributed to low brand visibility. This can be remedied with aggressive market campaigns that aim at the younger generation since this is the biggest consumer segment for the fast food industry. Strategies that aim for deeper market penetration, fun logo that people can relate to enjoyable food and moments are essential for brand positioning. â€Å"Fun logo† is a concept that the consumers can equate with good times. The simple logo of McDonald’s is easily identifiable and children and youngsters can spot it from a distance – this is one of the best examples of effective brand positioning. †¢ The other concept that the Back Yard Burgers can adopt is the use of bright color-coding for their outlets and the signboards. A bright color scheme attracts the younger generation and gives it an inviting look. The uniformity in look and feel of the franchisee restaurants and the other company-operated restaurant is essential to make an easily identifiable picture in the consumer minds. †¢ In running a successful brand promotion campaign the essential point is to identify the consumer segment. Who are the consumers and the target focus group for this chain of restaurants? The children and adolescents who form a major chunk of the consumer group typically favour the fast food industry. The working people segment is another segment that will stop by for fast and filling food in their office hours. Fast service food is ideal meal for this segment. Campaigns attracting these two segments will create brand awareness and spell higher revenues for the company. †¢ Last but not the least the quality of food and service efficiency is the crux of the fast food industry. A good and satisfying meal will have the consumers returning for more. The satisfied and happy customer will not only promote brand loyalty but will have high recommendations regarding the food and service to their friends and families. This is the greatest form of publicity that a fast food outlet can expect.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Komiquindox Literature

KOMIQUINDOX (ANTIBIOTIC FEED ADDITIVE & GROWTH PROMOTER) Composition: * Antibiotic feed grade with antibacterial activity. * For better health & growth in broiler. * Treat diarrhea in poultry & livestock. * Prevent bacterial, fungal & viral infection. * Give better egg production in breeder & layer. * Improves egg shell weight, size & internal contents in layer & breeder. * Excellent source of energy. Descriprtion: Olaquindox: Olaquindox is a growth promoting feed additive for food producing animals. When incorporated in feed, olaquindox [ 2-( N-2? -Hydroxyethyl carbonyl)-3-methyl quinoxaline-1,4-dioxide] is absorbed from the digestive tract. Olaquindox is widely distributed throughout the body tissues. The good tissue penetration & high drug concentrations (max inhibitory concentrations) for most bacterial pathogens suggest potential clinical use in the treatment of bacterial infections in poultry. Molecular Formula:C12H13N3O4 Calcium carbonate: The use of calcium carbonate (in the form of supplemental granules)  appeared to result in an increase in the values of nitrogen  retention and for fat and crude fiber digestibility, probably  due to a better dispersion or separation of the feed particles  in the first portions of the gastrointestinal tract, and facilitating  of the action of the digestive juices. Calcium carbonate can be used as a strengthening food for chickens. Chicken requires Calcium carbonate to yield strong eggs. According to geological information website, crushed Calcium carbonate is often fed to chicken as dietary supplements. Indications: * Feed grade antibiotic which Promotes health & growth. * Used for the treatment of diarrhea in both poultry & livestock. * Prevent infection from bacteria, fungi & virus. * Olaquindox is widely distributed throughout the body. * Gives better egg production & improves egg shell weight & its percentage. * Improves egg shell contents & no. of table eggs. * Calcium carbonate use increases the value of nitrogen retention. * Fed to chickens as dietary supplement. * It is the structural component of the bone. Sustained egg production in birds can be achieved by feeding diets containing Calcium Carbonate. * Calcium is satisfactory for both breeding & growing birds. * It is an excellent source of energy. * Increase the ability of birds to resist against all kind of stress. * Increase the ability of birds to resist against bacterial, viral & fungal diseases. Cautions: Protect from sunlight. Dosage & Administration: * Administer by oral route mixed with feed. * Dose: * 100 g per t on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 g per bag * 1000 g per ton†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 50 g per bag * 500 g per ton†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 25 g per bag

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving Essay Example for Free

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving Essay John Irving (6) , A Prayer for Owen Meany (4) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? A popular theme in literature concerns the concept of ‘growing up’, a painful process by which a character achieves maturity, self-knowledge and confidence. In the novel, A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving, the character of Owen Meany achieves this painful process. Owen Meany is introduced in the novel as a remarkable individual and throughout it can be observed how the brilliant child evolves into the memorable individual that he turns into. In the novel, A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving, Owen Meany matures, gains self-knowledge and confidence to become the miracle that his character was. Owen Meany was obviously a brilliant child, but was still able to improve on his excellent character as he was growing. This can be seen through Owen’s maturity level. He was always remarkable advanced and mature for his age, but as he became older, he understood even more than before. His best friend was Johnny Wheelwright. In their friendship, Owen looked after Johnny. He gave him advice and even helped him out academically. When Johnny was bitter about his mother not revealing to him who his father was before she died, Owen came up with a mature response, â€Å"Of course, as Owen pointed out to me, I was only eleven when she died, and my mother was only thirty; she probably thought she had a lot of time left to tell me the story. She didn’t know she was going to die, as Owen Meany put it.† (Irving 10) In the face of irrationality, Owen found it easy to point out the logic. The easy way he comes up with intelligent responses to difficult questions are proof of this child’s brilliance. Later on his life, the reader sees that Owen has matured in regards to his perspective on Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy. Kennedy had been somewhat of a hero in Owen’s mind and he had felt betrayed by him. He is able to later recover from this viewpoint and analyze the situation differently. She’s just like our whole country – not quite young anymore. But not old either; a little breathless, very beautiful, maybe a little stupid, maybe a lot more smarter than she seemed. And she was looking for something – I think she wanted to be good. Look at the men in her life – Joe DiMaggio, Arthur Miller, maybe the Kennedys. Look at how good they seem! Look at how desirable she was! †¦ She was never quite happy †¦ She was just like our whole country †¦ Those famous powerful men – did they really love her? Did they take care of her? If she was ever with the Kennedys, they couldn’t have loved her – they were just using her †¦. People will do and say anything just to get the power; then they’ll use the power just to get a thrill †¦. The country is a sucker for powerful men who look good, we think they’re moralists and then they just use us. That’s what’s going to happen to you and me †¦ we’re going to be used.† (Irving 431) Owen Meany is very good at analysis, and he uses these talents to make conclusions on many things. It is an excellent example of his maturity. When Owen first discovered that JFK might be having an affair with Marilyn Monroe, he was shocked. Now, he is able to rationalize it and see JFK in a different light. He is able to come up with educated ideas concerning JFK and Marilyn Monroe. His metaphor of Marilyn Monroe and the United States is an excellent one. Both Marilyn Monroe and America have a great deal in common because of their mutual exploitation by the rich and powerful. Owen Meany learns a great deal about himself through the course of his life. He is convinced that there are reasons for all things. One of his strongest conviction stems from what his parents told him about him being born in the same way as Jesus. Due to this, Owen feels very convinced and assured of himself. He is a highly intelligent child: I know three things. I know that my voice doesn’t change, and I know when I’m going to die. I wish I knew why my voice never changes, I wish I knew how I was going to die; But God has allowed me to know more than most people know – so I’m not complaining. The third thing I know is that I am God’s instrument; I have faith that God will let me know what I’m supposed to do, and when I’m supposed to do it.† (Irving 366) Owen has complete faith that there are reasons for his being the way he is. This is an example of Owen’s self-knowledge. He knew these things with a complete certainty and accepted them. Few people will have blind faith in something. Owen had questions, but he still put his faith in God, bowing to his superiority. He knows who he is. He understands his purpose. He is told by many that he is crazy and insane for thinking that there is a plan for why he has the voice he has. He is also told that he should run far away from what he thinks his destiny is, but Owen is not most people. He knows what his destiny is and runs towards it. Owen’s self-awareness and knowledge is what allows him to feel that he is headed towards the right path. In the end, Owen was right. He is able to save the Vietnamese children, â€Å"It was not only because he spoke their language; it was his voice that compelled the children to listen to him – it was a voice like their voices. That was why they trusted him, why they listened. ‘DOONG SA,’ he said, and they stopped crying.† (Irving 612) In the end, Owen is to be admired for his self-knowledge. Johnny would now be wrong in thinking Owen to be strange for thinking that his odd voice had a purpose. It did have a purpose. Owen’s voice helped him save the Vietnamese children. Owen Meany has a great deal of confidence in himself. If he sets his mind to do something, he can do anything. Owen Meany desperately wanted to join the army and be able to fight so that he could fulfill his purpose that he discovered in his dream. â€Å"If there’s a war and I’m in the army, I want to be in the war †¦ I don’t want to spend the war at a desk. Look at it this way: we agree that Harry Hoyt is an idiot. Who’s going to keep the Harry Hoyts from getting their heads blown off?† (Irving 462) The way that Owen ended the statement, almost makes him sound cocky. In a way, he is, but another term to describe it would be that Owen is confident. He places total trust in God that what will happen will happen. He is confident that he is going to die, fulfill his purpose in life and be a hero. It is uncanny how unshakable Owen’s faith is. Most people are unable to practice what they preach, and Owen does what he thinks is right. He does live by his rules. It is unbelievable that he is willing to throw away his life because of his faith in God. He does not even have any proof of assurance that God does exist, but in his mind he does not need any. When Owen would be practicing his basketball shot with Johnny and it would get dark, he would ask Johnny if he could still see a statue of Mary Magdalene after it became completely dark. He would ask Johnny how he could be certain that she was still there, if he could not see her, â€Å"You absolutely know she isn’t there – even though you can’t see her?’ †¦ Well, now you know how I feel about God †¦ I can’t see Him – but I absolutely know he is there!† (Irving 451) Owen explains to Johnny that he just knows in his gut and instinctively that God exists. In the same way that people can understand and accept that other things exist without physical proof, Owen is convinced of the existence of God. His confidence is daunting. It is unusual for a person to be so rationally convinced about theology and at the same time be willing to go to extremes in the name of God. When he was getting closer to the day of his death, he had doubts, â€Å"I don’t know why he’s here – I just know he has to be here! But I don’t even ‘know’ that – not anymore. It doesn’t make sense! Where is Vietnam – in all of this? Where are those poor children? Was it all just a terrible dream? Am I simply crazy? Is tomorrow just another day?† (Irving 604) Owen is growing up. He is scared and confused. He doesn’t know why Johnny has to be there for his dream to come true. He doesn’t know if anything is going to happen. His doubts are the most important step to his growing up. In the end, he was right all along. The character, Owen Meany, was a miraculous one, due to his maturity, self-knowledge and confidence, in the novel A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. Owen was always mature for his age, but he was able to improve on it and make better judgements. He understood that although Kennedy was someone who had been a hero to him, that things are not always as you want them to be. He was able to open his mind to this, and eventually accept the possibility that Kennedy might have behaved inappropriately. Owen had an extreme amount of assurance in himself. He just knew some things and did not feel the need to question them too much. He knew that there was a reason for his voice and although, he wanted to know why, he did not feel daunted by this. He had faith in his ability to do things, even some that he did not manage to do, such as, going to war. Owen’s confidence is the last important point in his path to ‘growing up’. He had doubts and fear, but in the end his confidence in God and himself won out. Owen finally grew up, when he did what he was meant to do by God. A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. (2017, Aug 22).

Monopolistic Competition versus Monopoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Monopolistic Competition versus Monopoly - Essay Example Monopolistic competition is comprised of a group of producers with identical products. The competition between the producers is not determined by the prices of the goods they supply but rather by how differentiated their products are (Salvatore, 2006, p.238). In this kind of competition the producers that are involved take the price that the rival producer is charging and use it on his own product not considering the consequences of the price. The scenario is different in a monopoly. Here, a single firm is the sole supplier of a given product as is the case when Wonks bought up the individual competitors and joined them to make up a single firm. The main characteristic of a monopoly is that the producer has a higher market share than that which is expected within a perfect competition. Another characteristic of the monopoly set up is the lack of substitute products in the market denying the consumers a choice. In this paper, we are going to analyze the consequences of a monopolistic competition being transformed into a monopoly. The hypothesis developed is; analyzing the effect that transforming a group of companies in a monopolistic competition into a monopoly will have on consumers, government and the company. Discussion In order to better understand the transformation, a closer look at the characteristics of both a monopolistic competition and a monopoly is required. In so doing, one can then draw parallels and differences that arise. In a monopolistically competitive market, a firm acts as a monopoly does in the short run, however in the long run, the market resembles a perfect competition since there is entry by more competitors and the gains accrued by having highly differentiated products diminish as does the possibility of the producers gaining economic profits. Consumers are very aware about the qualities of the products that the rivals offer since the differences are not evidenced by price. This model therefore is characterized by well informed custom ers and the producers rely on brand uniqueness to trigger a brand loyalty in consumers. In this model, there is no barrier to entry or exit. The model can thus be attractive to a large number of producers with identical products as there are no rules against entry. Likewise, there are no rules that may hinder a producer exiting the market when it is no longer attractive. Lastly, producers exercise a certain degree of control over the prices they charge. Although the control they have is limited, a producer can decide to price his products differently from the market price. The government can usually intervene in a monopoly in order to accomplish a determined goal or simply to cushion the consumers against extortion. Otherwise, when a monopoly is not coerced to perform in a certain way, the most typical goal is to maximize profits. The producer accomplishes this by producing few goods and charging them at a high price. The producer is thus a price maker in contrast to one in a monopo listic competition Monopolies often have barriers to entry where other sellers find it extremely hard to enter the market (Burkett, 2006, p. 155). This may be due to the structure adopted by the monopoly that discourages competition or may be sanctioned by the government. The major characteristic of a monopoly, however, is the fact that only a single producer is present in the given market. Here, it is assumed that

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Accounting Evaluation And Forecast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Accounting Evaluation And Forecast - Essay Example Carter and Usry mentioned that â€Å"In Reality, planning and controlling are simultaneous, cannot be separated, and an interconnected process†. Within this elaboration we will evaluate performance of the â€Å"Aberdare - Super Service Mini Market† and furthermore describe Income Statement and Balance sheet forecast for planning purposes. According to the financial ratios, Aberdare posses an overall weaker performance, compare to the Pernarth mini market. The only ratios that exceed Pernart mini market are sales/operating assets ratio and the interest cover ratio. The sales/operating assets ratios present a slight lead on Aberdare’s effectiveness on using its operating assets to produce sale, while the interest cover ratio display Aberdare’s better performance on taking advantage of debts to finance operations. However, financial ratios should not be used as a sole instrument of measuring performance. According to available data, Aberdare’s sales in 2004 are amounted to $ 1,250,000 and the operating profit is $ 217,000. This has a relatively significant difference compare to Pernarth mini market, which produce a sales number of only $ 1,000,000 and operating profit of $ 190,000. Thus, in actual numbers, Aberdare mini market contributes more income to the business. Pernarth According to the financial ratio, Pernarth is overall better than Aberdare mini market. The ratios indicated that pernarth has a better performance in terms of: 1. Effectiveness of operation, displayed by the Operating Profit/Operating Assets ratio, Sales/Fixed Assets ratio, and Sales/Current Assets ratio. These ratios describe that Pernarth uses its assets more effectively to produce sales and profit. 2. Efficiency of operation, displayed by the Operating Profit/Sales ratio, Cost of Sales/Sales ratio, Sales/Stock ratio, Expenses/Sales ratio, and Sales/Stock ratio. These ratios describe that Pernarth's require less cost and expenses to produce equal sales number and profits compare to Aberdare's. 3. Liquidity of the mini market, displayed by the Interest Cover ratio, Gearing ratio, Current ratio, and Quick ratio. There ratios describe that Pernarth mini market require less debts compare to Aberdare mini market to run the business. II.2. Weaknesses Aberdare As stated before, compare to Pernarth, Aberdare mini market display a slightly poorer performance. Most of the ratios display only small difference between the two store, however, significant different appears on Sales/Current Asset ratio, Sales/Stock ratio, Interest cover, Gearing and Quick ratio. The Interest Cover and Gearing ratio indicate that Aberdare has too much debt within its financial structure. The Sales/Current Assets ratio, Sales/Stock ratio and Quick ratio on the other hand, describe that the mini market employ too much current asset on the current year, especially too much stock. Pernarth The mini market is superior according to any measurement of the financial ratios, however, in real numbers, the mini market does not seem to generate as much sales and profit as Aberdare. Thus, relating to the fact that Pernarth is the most profitable

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Homework1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Homework1 - Essay Example In addition, it has opened the country for more foreign investment despite local opposition. This move differs with the way the US government handles infrastructure in its country. The US government invested heavily in its local infrastructure making every part of the country available for trade (Sharma & Mukherji, 2013). c. The Indian government is trying to control the level of involvement of foreign investors in the local trade. This system tries to benefit the local people as the government works to their interest. On the other hand, the system has harmed foreign investors as they find it difficult to access the produce despite the amount of resources at their disposal (Sharma & Mukherji, 2013). d. Wal-Mart would be good for India because of its experience in procuring produce from the small farmers in upgrading a poor supply chain. It has shown success in many countries including Mexico, China, and Brazil (Sharma & Mukherji, 2013). a. There has been constant pressure that resulted to low price on Chinas products. Since the US does not pay an extra amount to cater for a clean production system, China producers do not include cleaning cost in their production (Spencer, 2007). b. With a high production cost, there would a high pricing on an item. However, with a market that requires low pricing on goods despite the cost of production, the company would lower its production cost to match the market price. Instead of spending to treat the wastes, the Chinese producers opt to releasing it in the rivers, reducing production cost (Spencer, 2007). a. Internet connection is expensive for some families who have to meet other needs. Despite this, rise in technology has taken root in education, being a disadvantage to those students without an internet connection (Troianovski,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Business Formal analytical report Research Paper

Business Formal analytical report - Research Paper Example In addition, the report has proposed a plan that will be followed to carry out the research plus the schedules on how the research will be carried out. I hope you find this report helpful in regards to lowering employee turnover and improving customer service at green park hotel. If you have any questions or comments regarding my recommendation feel free to contact me at (814) 862-7480. I hope you are going to approve this report to enable me and my teams research this problem concerning Green Park Hotel which will bring back its glorious image. Green Park Hotel, in the past, used to run its services smoothly and there were no major problems within the business. Currently, Green Park faces a big problem of high employee turnover and many complaints from customers concerning service quality. Customers for the entity used to leave good comments at the end of most services they received from the hotel. However, things have changed in the recent past with the most notable transformation being high employee turnover. In fact, the hotel replaces employees almost on a weekly basis. Moreover, the hotel has lost a huge stake in its market capitalization. Competitors are drowning a huge part of the once large market. Customers have hurled several complaints at our employees, and some have even gone ahead to publicize how some of our services have deteriorated. The report has defined the problem at hand, which is lowering employee turnover and improving customer service at Green Park Hotel. Thereafter various alternative solutions have been given, then there is an argument for the solution which satisfies the criteria best and finally a conclusion and recommendation follow respectively. I am writing to seek your approval to come up with a report for lowering employee turnover and improving customer service at Green Park hotel after an intensive research. On completion of the research, the operational management team for the hotel will receive the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Daniel Richter's Facing East from Indian Country. Book Report Essay

Daniel Richter's Facing East from Indian Country. Book Report - Essay Example In the course of this era, some of the aboriginal groups changed to try to fit in the American society, and although Indians changed, they did not forget their language and their traditions. This essay will discuss how initial contacts involving the Europeans and Native Americans occurred in earlier days. Christopher Columbus, an American author, was born in 1451 and died in 1506. Columbus reputation has for long had controversies, with the fact that his achievement in navigation cannot be alienated from violence that represent the European contribution to the new world. Columbus discovery of America led to destruction of most of the native groups found in America at the time of discovery. Columbus arrived in America while trying to explore the Asian markets, north Americas native people, populated most part of the continent. The connecting of the eastern and western regions marked the foundation of an organized history, a process known as Columbian exchange. This involved a substitu tion of goods, for example, crops across the Atlantic Ocean. This distorted the economies of the world; Native Americans approved animals such as, horses and cattle. Foods such as, tomatoes, potatoes, and corn were brought in by these populations and have so far been embraced worldwide. Jacques Cartier came from the French court to explore North America, and in Chaleur Bay, he encountered aboriginal people who were the Micmac people. Their meeting was the first time the French and the natives traded furs. At first, the aboriginal people were friendly, but they changed their attitude and became hostile when they realized that the foreigners had come to interfere with their existence. Cartier tried to establish peace among the people since his arrival. Prior to the coming of Christopher Columbus, it was thought that the aboriginal people did not have any history. In contrast, these people had developed a culture, which was not written; they displayed their culture through song, dance and other artistic performances. Though Columbus claimed to have discovered America, many inhabitants had already settled in for many years. Columbus’s arrival marked an era of contact Europeans and Native Americans that went on for an unusually long time. Captain John smith’s interactions with Indians were because of his relationships and dealings with their most influential leader, Powhatan. He had earlier been captured by Powhatan; this led to the progress of their relationship. They formed an alliance in which smith would provide the colonists with food, this later developed to hostility of the highest degree. By the time John Smith, left Virginia there was a conflict between the English and Powhatan. As compared to other Europeans at that time, John Smith seemed to be open-minded about the natives, referred to them as social, and referred to their leaders as kings. John smith, was welcoming and persuasive, he even tried to integrate into the communities he visited , learned their language. His ability to persuade changed the attitude of Powhatan towards him. In his speech, Powhatan pleads with John Smith for peace, his words indicate anxiety and doubt surrounding the arrival of white settlers, and foretell conflict between the Native Americans, and Europeans that would have influence on the history of both groups. He wants the uneasiness and